Monday, November 29, 2010

Session 17 - Test No.2 - Monitoring Progress

Welcome to session 17

AIM: To create awareness of our thoughts and reactions

ACTION: Do the test

NOTE: There are no wrong answers here. Just go with the flow, trust your intuition and see what you come up with.

1. How much you think you know yourself?

a) Oh believe me, I know 100% who I am
b) I have a pretty good idea
c) I'm in a self-discovery process, everyday I find something new.
d) Me? Who's that?
e) Other... Please explain
f) All of the above

2. What would you do when you need a hug and there's no one around?

a) Feel sorry for yourself? - Nobody loves me :(
b) Get angry? - Who the f*** needs a bloody hug anyF***way
c) Get needy? Call absolutely everyone for endless hours of online or phone comfort
d) Get your walls up? I can do without the hug, I'm strong and self-sufficient, come on get on with life.
e) Turn to God? Dear God, I love you... would you show me your love back? Amen
f) Turn to you? I love me, I hug me, I love flowers and trees and I live in a beautiful world.
g) Turn to your addictions? Smoke, drink, sleep, food, chocolates. Whatever to take your mind off this moment
h) Turn to your passions? Music, painting, meditation, etc.
i) Other... Please explain
j) All of the above

3. What do you do when confronted with a situation that scares you to the core?

a) Run the other way
b) Feel paralyzed - Unable to move
c) Feel the fear and try to control it. Sometimes works, sometimes not.
d) My vision gets blurred, my heart is about to explode... I'm not in control
e) I get really angry
f) I get emotional
g) Other... Please explain
h) All of the above

4. What do you do when involved in an accident?

a) First find out who's responsible, then I deal with them.
b) Get angry in general and start blaming everything and everyone.
c) I knew it, this things always happen to me
d) Take it easy. what's done is done.
e) Reflect in what's going on and how to solve the problem.
f) Ask myself why did I call for this experience, what's the lesson in all this.
g) Other... Please explain
h) All of the above

5. After an argument with a loved-one. Who's the first to say I'm sorry?

a) Me
b) The other person
c) no one
d) Other... Please explain

6. What is love for you?

7. What is sex for you?

8. What is work for you?

9. What is death for you?

10. What is health for you?

11. What about your universal right of being happy, healthy and complete?

12. What about you?

Remember to enjoy the process


See you next session ☝


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