Welcome to session 15
AIM: To activate the power of Imagination, therefore the power of Creation.
ACTION: Dream; anytime, anywhere, for as long as you can.
I have always felt so close to my dreams. Maybe because I’m such a big dreamer. I love day-dreaming, night-dreaming and even dream-dreaming... let me explain this last one.
Dream-dreaming for me is the ability to step into your dream and then make a new dream from inside the dream you’re dreaming. Hope I’m not confusing you (or scaring you).
When I dream I have the power to believe what I’m dreaming and make it so real that I feel is time to dream again.
Since I was a little child, I’ve been able to create my own reality and growing up in a very difficult environment really help me to develop this skill. Later on, I found out that my dreams were coming true. At the beginning, I thought there were only coincidences that were occurring in my life with no relation whatsoever to my dreams. Whatever the truth, this made me feel very lucky and with a special connection with God.
As the time went by, more dreams were created and more realities began to emerge. Not as much as when I was a child since adulthood tough me how to suppress my dreaming and concentrate in what is known as “the real world”. Worrying about money, power, social climbing, and education, I began to forget how to dream. So much that by the age of 33 I had lived and experienced all the dreams I created during my early years.
At the beginning I felt so proud and satisfied. I’ve had everything I dreamt and wanted in life. But then, something I didn’t expect started to happen. Everything began to crumble. Without constant creation of dreams to guide me I began to live with no illusion, with no hope of something incredible, with no magic.
Everything became just momentary pleasure. Going nowhere, my heart began to be drained of all spark of imagination, artificial dreaming took over until one day I felt the breath of Death knocking at my door.
I can’t explain what happen exactly but I’ve recorded in another blog this moment. I call it "The Light at the end of the tunnel". I did it because I want to always remember how close I came to danger. Danger of living with no dreams.
In this moment I remembered once again how important and absolutely necessary dreaming is in the creation process. Not only dreaming but believing in your dreams. Dreaming so intensely you don’t need them to become reality, because you already feel as if you've had and lived your dream. I know it sounds like a contradiction. Dreaming to create something that you no longer want for you already had it. But in my experience that’s the way it works... and indeed it has work for me, and I believe me, will work for you too!
And now, I want to share with you one of my most recent dreams. A dream that not only involves me but also you. The dream from which this blog was created. The dream of stepping into a new realm, the dream of creation of a new race of human beings.
A dream created to be shared.
by Eduardo Blanco
I see myself surrounded by light and light coming from within myself.
I feel the stars and the plants; The animals and the clouds.
I feel one with the air, with the water, with the fire and with the earth.
My joy is so big, I can’t contain it and I need guidance from the Elders.
I feel people around me, turning their heads towards me blinded by the light.
Only to realize that the light is also coming out of them.
Children become angels to be praised in awe and elders become beacons of knowledge always ready to share their experience with whomever needs them.
Money, power, religion are concepts so forgotten that no one talks about them anymore.
We live in harmony with each-other. Our mind becomes our best friend and we train it as the wonder that it is: A dreaming creating machine.
Love is all we need. Light is all we are and Peace is all we give.
A brand new conscience is created in every human being.
A world wide event shakes every single cell to its core and a new reality is lived and created.
A breath of fresh air floats to every corner of the world.
Hunger is terminated.
Disease is unremembered.
We all have everything we could possibly need or want.
Our only purpose in life is being one with each other.
We only care for love, how much love can we give and taking the time to enjoy the one we being given.
Technology is magic and science is imagination.
This is my dream that I want to share with you, for I have lived it and I know, because I know that is possible. My dreams are my reality of tomorrow. Tomorrow is my reality of today.
I now put my dream in a little boat and set it to sail away down the stream of possibilities. I release it and set it free to join the millions and millions of little boats and together become One.
All is well in my world
And so it is.
Good night Dreams...
Good night World...
Good night God...
Zzzzz zzzz
My most incredible dream: Email to Eckhart Tolle
Remember to enjoy the process
See you next session ☝
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