Monday, November 8, 2010

Session 11 - Compassion, The Art of Love II

Welcome to session 11:

To be able to understand and feel other people's feelings, pains and joys. To become one with my surroundings, my nature, my world.

ACTION: No-Action. Stop. Just feel and go with the flow. See video at the end of interview.

"Interview with a Demon"

Subject: Eduardo Blanco interviews a Demon about Love & Compassion.
Time: 3:33 am
Location: Madrid, Spain: latitude and longitude co-ordinates are respectively 40°24 N and 3°41 W.

E: Thank you for your time and for your willingness to talk to me.
D: I am always open to dialog and communication with everybody.

E: Me too, That’s why I started this blog.
D: I know, Thats, why I am here.

E: What do you mean?
D: I mean, I am here because you called me.

E: Hold on, I didn’t call you. You came to me.
D: I came before you asked.

E: That scares me. Should I be scare of you?
D: Should? In my realm the word “should” does not exist.

E: I mean, are you going to hurt me?
D: No

E: I am not afraid of you.
D: I know

E: Anyway, I’d like to talk to you about Love and Compassion.
D: Sure, my favorite subjects.

E: Why are they your favorite subjects?
D: For being some of the most neglected sides of Love.

E: And does that makes you feel good?
D: I never said this fact makes me feel anything, I simply said they were my favorite subjects.

E: What is compassion for you?
D: The ability to feel what some One else's feel.

E: What’s the difference between compassion and pity?
D: Compassion is produced by the Soul. Pity is produced by ego-mind.

E: Are you subject of compassion?
D: Yes, I am. As part of God as any body else. As you are. Yes, I AM!

E: Ok, I believe you. No need to get so intense
D: I am what I am, that is that.


E: Can we continue now?
D: I am always ready

E: Thank you
D: You’re welcome

E: When was the last time you felt compassion for some-One?
D: I am feeling what you’re feeling right now.

E: Can you feel what I feel!... Really?
D: Yes

E: That scares me.
D: Why?

E: Is like you’re in my mind
D: But I am not. I am in your soul

E: What ? That’s even worse
D: Is it?

E: Well, yes. That means I am evil too.
D: What is evil?

E: Bad. I’m not bad. I don’t want to be bad at all. I want to be all good.
D: What is bad and good?

E: Don’t play games with me, you know what I mean.
D: I am not playing games. You are talking from the realm of the relative. I am part of the absolute. In my realm there’s no good or bad.

E: There isn’t?
D: No

E: So, what makes you a Demon?
D: My ability to travel though the dark side without fear.

E: What you mean?
D: I can be, feel and do all that scares you in complete calm and totality with the One.

E: That doesn’t makes you bad
D: I know

E: So why people fears you?
D: Because you’ve been taught to?

E: Yeah, right. By who?
D: Religion

E: Which religion?
D: All

E: But religion talks about the word of God, how can it be spreading lies and fear?
D: For fear itself.

E: Fear of what?
D: Fear of not controlling

E: Controlling who, what?
D: You

E: Me?
D: And everyone else too

E: That’s not good
D: What is good?

E: Good is what gets me closer to God
D: You are God

E: If I am God, why I am not in heaven
D: You are

E: Is this heaven?
D: You tell me

E: No, I’m asking you
D: Heaven for me is everything. Hell is what you create in your mind.

E: What are you saying, there’s no hell but in my mind?
D: You said it, not me

E: You tricked me
D: No, you found your way alone

E: Wait a minute, this is going in different direction. I wanted to talk about compassion and love and now we’re talking about heaven and hell.
D: So?

E: I don’t want to get into there is or there isn’t. I just want to understand your point of view in relation of love and compassion.
D: Ok

E: What’s the difference between you and an Angel?
D: The duality of mind

E: What about good and evil?
D: What about it?

E: Well, You are evil, aren’t you?
D: You tell me

E: I am asking you?
D: Are you? To me, it feels you've already made up your mind.

E: Well, not really. I mean, everybody knows about the dark side, but I want to know your side of the story.
D: Is that a question?

E: Yes
D: What do you want to know?

E: What makes you a Demon?
D: You already asked me that

E: Sorry
D: Don’t be. I am not

E: Right...
D: Left

E: Ha ha, very funny :)
D: Always

E: This is getting to long. Can you tell me anything about compassion. What would your message be in relation to love and compassion?
D: 1. Stop the next time you see a homeless and spend some time and bills and forget the coins.
• Love me as much as I love you.
• Fear nothing for there’s nothing to fear but fear itself
• And four. Feel the love and be grateful for you ARE IN HEAVEN.

E: Wow, Thank you!
D: Thank You

E: Am I going to see you again?
D: Anytime you ask

E: I’m going to say something, I fear people will take wrongly but ... I feel love for you and you look so beautiful to me.
D: And you are to me too. Let people deal with their own fear and you deal with yours.
And by the way... I Love You too.

E: Good bye
D: I’ll be around


Remember to enjoy the process


See you next session ☝


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