AIM: To be able to understand and consciously apply the law of flow. Realizing the importance of questioning to open the channels to new, creative and innovative ideas.
ACTION: 1) To clean up the old and dirty and welcome the new and clean. 2) Take the test No 1. 3) Start questioning.
The 'law of flow' says that nothing in the Universe is static, everything is in constant movement, a constant flow. And whereas we can take something out of its place, something else will replace it just as quickly.
Imagine for a moment our daily lives; Day always follows the night; spring follows the winter and winter the fall; when we move a solid from its position at least air and a millions of unseen particles will takes its place. Like a river, life is a constant flow.
Taking this concept from its basics where everything is energy, we now can move forward and start to consciously apply the law of flow to everything in our lives. To let go of the old thoughts, patterns, addictions and unconscious behaviors and give way to new and creative ideas that will bring different circumstances into our lives.
Remember the aim is to replace... boredom with inspiration; illness with health, loneliness with love; scarcity with abundance and so on.
Exercise 1:
To give away what we no longer need.
A friend once told me; If you haven't use it in a year... you don't need it and may be time to move on.
Let's give away our old clothes so new ones can replaces it; Lets give a deep clean to our chest's drawers, covers and closets. Let's bring a breath of fresh air into our lives and give a thoroughly cleaning to our mind.
TIP: All we need to do to make this exercise work is to set the intention and declare it during the whole cleaning process. 'I am letting go of the old and now, I welcome the new'.
In order to change, we first need to let go of the old way of thinking. Let go of any thoughts or ideas that are not longer assisting us in achieving what we are here to be. But how to let go of something that is so embedded in our experience we hardly know is even there? Is like asking a fish to question the water it swims in ... difficult, but possible. So let's start asking.
-Who am I?
-Is what I do fulfilling my heart that even if I don’t get paid I'd still do it?
-Do I feel the happiest person alive?
-Am I surrounded with everything my heart desire?
-Is what I do fulfilling my heart that even if I don’t get paid I'd still do it?
-Do I feel the happiest person alive?
-Am I surrounded with everything my heart desire?
-Do I feel in control of the circumstances happening in my life or is the other way around?
-Am I what I've always dreamt to be?
-Am I all I can be?
These are very intense questions that we normally don’t ask ourselves for the simple reason that we quite often get the answer we don’t want to hear. However, for how long have you been longing for a breath of fresh air? How long has it been since you laugh so loud you peed (almost) yourself? How long has it been since you felt loved and complete, surrounded with prosperity and abundance? How long has it been since you felt happy, relax and satisfied with who you are and the life around you?
-Am I all I can be?
These are very intense questions that we normally don’t ask ourselves for the simple reason that we quite often get the answer we don’t want to hear. However, for how long have you been longing for a breath of fresh air? How long has it been since you laugh so loud you peed (almost) yourself? How long has it been since you felt loved and complete, surrounded with prosperity and abundance? How long has it been since you felt happy, relax and satisfied with who you are and the life around you?
If you can’t remember when was the last time you felt so alive your eyes filled with tears or created something so wonderful that you amazed yourself... Then wouldn't be now a good moment to know why?
- Why can’t you remember?
Be brave and ask yourself, ask your family, ask the world, ask God!
You’ll soon start getting some answers. Can’t guarantee that you’ll agree, but don’t discard them. Acknowledge, keep quiet and keep asking.
When was the last time you question anything?
When was the last time you accepted something without questioning it?
When was the last time you created you own judgement.
Hardly anyone accepts the fact that we’ve been told what to think, do and be; hence becoming clones or copy-cats of who brought us up; our family, our society, our culture, our traditions, our governments, etc.
When we first arrive to this world, we do it with a clean sheet. No judgements, no culture, no ideas, no thoughts... only feelings... and a massive hunger to experiment everything.
If lucky, as babies, we're placed for a while as the center of attention of a loving family group, who is part of a bigger family group. In time we realize we're now part of a culture with certain religious, moral, educational, economic and existential beliefs... and the only thing asked from us is to act accordingly to the beliefs and laws of the rest of the group...easy! No fuss, no problems... do what is expected of you and everything will be just fine. Right?....
Then, why people don’t find the rewards in the life they were offered and the life they've been told to live?
Why is so difficult to survive?
Why so much stress?
Why so much unhappiness?
Why so much disease?
Why so much hunger?
Why so much death?
WHY ???
Be brave and ask yourself, ask your family, ask the world, ask God!
You’ll soon start getting some answers. Can’t guarantee that you’ll agree, but don’t discard them. Acknowledge, keep quiet and keep asking.
When was the last time you question anything?
When was the last time you accepted something without questioning it?
When was the last time you created you own judgement.
Hardly anyone accepts the fact that we’ve been told what to think, do and be; hence becoming clones or copy-cats of who brought us up; our family, our society, our culture, our traditions, our governments, etc.
When we first arrive to this world, we do it with a clean sheet. No judgements, no culture, no ideas, no thoughts... only feelings... and a massive hunger to experiment everything.
If lucky, as babies, we're placed for a while as the center of attention of a loving family group, who is part of a bigger family group. In time we realize we're now part of a culture with certain religious, moral, educational, economic and existential beliefs... and the only thing asked from us is to act accordingly to the beliefs and laws of the rest of the group...easy! No fuss, no problems... do what is expected of you and everything will be just fine. Right?....
Then, why people don’t find the rewards in the life they were offered and the life they've been told to live?
Why is so difficult to survive?
Why so much stress?
Why so much unhappiness?
Why so much disease?
Why so much hunger?
Why so much death?
WHY ???
Remember to enjoy the process
See you next session ☝
Today's video: Michael Jackson's "Man in the mirror"
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