Welcome to session 9:
AIM: To realize our full potential as spiritual beings. Feel the ecstasy of being alive and be able to share this feeling with the world.
ACTION: Start by being grateful for all that we have and then take time to question our old way of thinking. Be grateful for the difficulties, problems and calamities and see them as an opportunity to raise above them.
Life is a Banquet and most people survive only with a tiny piece of cake (if lucky).
How many times have you said to yourself: I can’t do that. Or, is not my fault that this isn’t working. Or, Every time I try to do something right, everything goes wrong. Or, if only things were different - if only I were different.
Unfortunately the list can go on and on and on.
Anything of these sounds familiar?
Nobody said life is easy. Easy make things boring and mediocre. Be grateful that roads close in front of you, that you car brake up in your way to work or that you got sacked from that job you hated so much. That cancer came knocking at your door, or even HIV made his appearance in your blood. Anything that challenges our life and mind is our wake up call and the opportunity to raise above it. Getting closer to realize our full potential as spiritual beings.
Are you raising your eyebrow? Remember to keep an open mind
Every time and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME life, God, luck, fate, your neighbor, our children, parents or whatever or whomever we choose to blame during challenging times make things difficult for us, is because we’ve been chosen. Yes, we’ve been hand picked for our special aptitudes, for our capacity to learn, for our capacity to rise above any problem to offer us a new opportunity to amazed ourselves and come closer to realize our strength and full capacity.
The all powerful being that's been dormant and now has the opportunity to wake up.
Life have acknowledge our readiness to overcome obstacles and therefore place them in front of us to realize how good and absolutely magnificent we are. How amazingly brilliant we've become over the years and more importantly, how perfect everything around us already 'is'.
So, please let's stop our whining about how difficult everything is and start thanking God for it.
When things are way too comfortable for too long, is because we've trained our mind to control everything so precisely that life becomes unbearable, boring, flat... Unfortunately this is what many people call happiness. Weird isn’t it? And is until something explodes and start making massive waves that life becomes colorful again, interesting and creative.
Look up, find your star and go for a ride. Don’t hesitate. And don’t ever think “oh this is not for me” or “I’m too old or to young, too sick, or to disabled” “too rich (busy) or too poor (lazy)
Remember to follow the three Rs:
-Respect for self
-Respect for others
-Responsibility for all your actions
Go out and shout to the world your message. Who care’s if people laugh. Who cares what the message is. Is yours and for that reason is perfect. Don’t judge your feelings or intuition. leave judgement outside, and welcome acceptance and love into your home, into your life, into yourself.
What are you waiting? For something to happen? For someone to die? For some one to do it first. If it feels right... DO IT NOW! with no regrets. You may say: what about if shit hits the fan? Well wipe you face out and start all over again, until either shit doesn’t gets you or you don’t mind it all over your beautiful face.
Now, Take some time to breath. Can you feel it? Can you feel the emotion I’m writing with? Oh, this is more than I can express. This feeling is exactly what I’m trying to communicate, to pass on to you. To awake the need for change, the hunger for new things and the willingness to go for it.
Remember to enjoy the process
See you next session ☝