1. Who are you? I am the one who came to be all that I can be by helping others to truly see themselves.
2. What are you doing here? I'm here to remember, experience, practice, share and shine
3. What is your occupation? I am Personal Trainer & Healer
4. On a scale of 1-10 how much you like your job? 10
5. On a scale of 1-10 how good are you at what you do? 10
6. How long have you done that? Around 11 years PT and 3 as healer.
7. On a scale of 1-10 how physically active is your job? 8
7. On a scale of 1-10 how stressful is your job? 5
8. On a scale of 1-10 how fulfilling is your job? 10
9. How is your relationship with your family? Getting stronger every day. We talk at least once a week and the conversations last for hours. I have only one difficult relationship, with my older brother.
10. What's the problem in your relationship with your brother? Nothing really, is just the fact that we don't share the same values about family, money and work.
11. Will they be supportive of your spiritual goals? They've always been quite supportive. I don't look for much validation or acceptance. However we share the same values, even thou mine are a bit too over the top.
12. On a scale of 1-10 how stressful is your home life? 2
13. What is God for you? God is everything for me. However I also regard him as my father. Talk to him as I talk to my mother and brothers, even sometimes getting angry and fighting but mostly is pure love between us.
14. What is the purpose of the soul for you? The lighthouse that shows me the best and most rewarding way back home. That hunch in my heart, that sense of total connection, safety and security. That something that keeps pointing to the direction I want to follow even before I know it.
15. Do you follow a religion? Not really, I was born Catholic but then had the honor to know about Sikhism.
16. Will this affect your ability to train in any way? Not at all.
17. How is your relationship with others? Getting better and more rewarding. Open and confident; loving and caring.
18. On a scale of 1-10 how much you feel victim of the circumstances? 1
19. On a scale of 1-10 how much do you believe to be actively creating your destiny? 10
20. Are you currently or have you recently been ill? Had pneumonia at the beginning of the year (Feb) and feel my lung capacity has diminished a little bit.
21. Are you currently taking any medication? No If so what? -
22. Are you currently or have you recently been injured? No
23. Are you currently receiving any form of treatment? No - If so who is treating you?
24. Will your injury affect your ability to train? No
25. Do you suffer from stress? Yes, a bit
26. What makes you stressed? Fear, insecurities, lack of faith and commitment
27. How do you deal with stress? Meditation, yoga, exercise, meeting friends, wine, smoke, sex, food.
28. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Yes, I love music and exercise and I'm learning to love yoga as a way of life. Traveling and outdoor activities are my top. Dancing, socializing, eating out. Internet browsing, networking. Love making love all around the globe.
29. How much of your time do you spend on them? 99%
30. Is there something you feel is missing in your life? yes, more traveling
31. Are you a member of any clubs or societies? My gym, BA executive club and the Dead Poets Society (the last one is a joke, I just love the movie)
32. Do you have any addictions, which? Yes, I sometimes smoke and drink socially but also alone at home. To food, eating is one of my biggest pleasures in life but I tend to do a lot of comfort eating and over eating. I'm also addicted to love, find irresistible to make everybody love me.
33. On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with the way you are? 7
34. What would you like to change? Get rid of my addictions and fears, higher self steam, more ability to compromise, commitment and self-control.
35. On a scale of 1-10 how healthy is your eating? 7
36. On a scale of 1-10 how healthy you feel is your sleeping patterns? 8
37. Are you on a special diet? No If so why?
38. Do you take any supplements? Yes If so which and what for? Vitamin C for the immune system, beta-carotene for the skin, guarana (sometimes for energy) and drink 2 litres of water with sodium bicarbonate to change the ph of my blood to alkaline.
39. Are you the weight you would like to be? No, I'd like to be a little bit heavier of pure sexy muscle.
40. On a scale of 1-10 how motivated are you to change? 10
41. What would increase your motivation? Progress
42. What exercise have you done recently? Stopped training at the gym two weeks ago. So not much recently but yoga at home.
43. What types of activity do you enjoy? Outdoor sports like cycling or hiking; gym classes like spinning, weightlifting, swimming, yoga.
44. Do you have any negative feelings towards exercise or have you had any bad experiences? Not at all.
45. Is there anything you would particularly like to try? Skiing, water skiing, bungee jumping, sky diving, wall climbing, canoeing, gliding, and few more I can't remember now.
46. If you have not exercised recently what are the reasons? A bit of lack of commitment, motivation and money.
47. Have you used a SPT before, did it work? YES
48. Why do you need a SPT now? To help me with the weights. For motivation, inspiration and encouragement.
49. On a scale of 1-10 rate your aerobic fitness? 6
50. On a scale of 1-10 rate your muscular fitness? 7
51. On a scale of 1-10 rate your co-ordination? 8
52. On a scale of 1-10 rate your flexibility? 7
53. What are your goals?
1. I desire to drop all my addictions allowing my soul to communicate better with my mind.
2. Have a better understanding and awareness of who I am and my life purpose.
3. Control my fears to be the alarm they're meant to be without taking over my life.
54. What is your life purpose?
To serve as a lighthouse for a higher purpose.
55. What do you dream doing?
Traveling the world, serving and helping people to realize their true potential and divine purpose. Enjoying life every second of it. Marvel constantly about the greatness of God and humbly serve him with total devotion and love.
56. What do you dream being? GOD
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