Thursday, September 30, 2010

Session 5 - The Experience - Big Bang

Space is created... Possibility, acknowledged.

Welcome to session 5:

Aim: To take the first step in the process of creation. realizing we are not our thoughts, we are not our fears. We are the architects of our reality with infinite power to create, transform and attract.

Action: Observe the involuntary thoughts and reactions without engaging with them. Harbor news ideas in the way we think, create and attract. Even if we don't fully understand right now, we hold.

Possibility is always present and to be open to new experiences we only need to be alert to what already 'is' and choose to acknowledge what 'isn't'.

We are continuously creating our own reality. Everything that surround us, we have chosen, created and attracted into our experience. Our family, our physical appearance, financial situation; Strengths and weaknesses. We choose the place, the time and all 'whats' and 'hows' of our current reality.

If we can understand and accept this idea. We then, have back in our hands the power to change what we don't want and take control over the direction of our life. But is so radical that when it happens, it will challenge and question our whole existence... This is called 'The big bang of Creation'.

First step is to believe in yourself. Believe to be the one you have always dreamt to be. Allow yourself to be vulnerable to the unknown, follow your heart - your intuition and forget your fears.

Just for today say YES.
- Observe and acknowledge your feelings, emotions and fears.
- Let's take childlike curiosity about our own life and check regularly the frequency of our vibrations.
- Place a smile over your face every once in a while... Just for fun :)

Lets ask during the day:
- Are our words and actions inspiring or damaging?
- Are we surfing through the waves of life with peace and joy or are we climbing the highest and toughest mountain?

Let go of the old thoughts and now choose to re-create yourself anew,
with pristine understanding, feelings and experiences.

Confront your old patterns by declaring:

And so, release yourself from all the burden of “yesterdays & tomorrows”. Be present; be here and now.

*Start by accepting nothing (not even your current reality. Yes, even if we think we're right and everything is under control and balanced.)
*Follow by question everything. Doesn’t matter what is it; if it is in your life you have attracted it and for a very good reason. Let's find out why and lets get ready to move on.

This a brand new experience shifting the current direction of our journey towards our life purpose, towards our spiritual growth.

We choose how easy or difficult we want to make our journey, how simple or complex, joyful or stressful. Let us choose wisely. Stop and quiet the mind just for a moment, this will get easier with time and practice.

Today simply observe and acknowledge. That's it, no more stress, no more dis-ease, no more suffering. Today, everything simply IS & IS NOT.

- Maintain the awareness
- Only acknowledge
- Stay focus

Come on boy/girl. You can do it!

Be aware of all the moments that confronts and challenges our personality. Anything we can’t accept or agree with is raising the alarm to pay attention. Could be one, or a group of people or circumstances like the weather, our job, our body, family or friends, etc. Our mind and ego will always be ready to keep us stuck in the duality. Don't mind, just observe without engaging. Let the thoughts run free like an open tap, without blockages that slows down the flow. Observe as they pass through, smile and see them disappear.

Let's be specially aware of our fears. Fear is needed to raise the alarm when we believe there's something wrong or dangerous getting closer to us. But remember, this is only our current judgement of the situation, exactly what we're challenging here and hence a great opportunity to transcend and create something new. Don't let fear take control over your life. Fear is our friend but not our partner. Let us employ it for the purpose it was created.

If fear or ego stops you from taking action... Observe in silence inside and outside yourself.
All the feelings, emotions and thoughts created and set them free. Set yourself free.

Remember to enjoy the process


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Session 4 - The Project - THE SEQUEL

The Project: ::: THE SECRET - THE SEQUEL

The general public
The knowers of "The Secret"

To awaken the power of thought.
To awaken the power of belief.

Law of Attraction
Law of Creation

Think to attract the what already exist.
Believe to create what is not yet in existence.

Did you ever ask yourself how could you create something out of nothing?
-More money
-More beauty
-More happiness
-More satisfaction
-More Love..
Oh yes, you did! ;)

Well, it all begins in your head. By believing and holding on to your deep desires with faith and with all the power in every single time/space of your being.

To tap into this concept One has to accept that even what One cannot see, touch, sense, smell, taste or hear still exists around us.

The thought or the concept is: I AM All THAT I AM, I AM ALL THAT I AM NOT. To make it more clear... To create out of nothing you need to BELIEVE that you are greater than the greatest idea you hold of yourself. Whatever you can imagine or think about, materialise about.
- How??? That's in not your problem... That's is for the Universe to figure out.
- "What" is the only thing you need to focus all your attention.

In order to materialise great projects, we need to focus on one single outcome. See, feel, sense your desired dream and act upon it with all your energy. Do not allow thoughts of fear or insecurity to cloud your mind as this only takes your attention away and sabotage all your work done. You don't want to start all over again constantly. We get motivated and inspired by progress. When we see result we get the energy to continue in our journey. This is what focus is all about.
Now, if your mind hasn't been trained to hold on to positive thoughts about yourself, ask for help. The Universe and Source your help you find ways and answers to your questions.

Allow not to know how things are going to happen or become reality. Trust your inner wisdom to guide you through the darkness of your own process and to reveal only the next step. Remember if we see all the road ahead we could get frighten, distracted or put off for what's expecting us. That's why the Universe in all its wisdom only give us one task at a time.

Just keep asking yourself. Write it down. Imagine your perfect inner and outer world and act accordingly. If you feel stock probably you haven't taken the first step or you don't want to take the step shown to you. Be aware that our mind could hinder our progress with fear and insecurities.

Become the master of your destiny and trust your inner wisdom to guide you through darkness.

Right now you may not fully understand or believe what I'm talking about. Your mind could ask you for proof and/or something tangible. It will try to make reason (the beginning of ego) ... This is that nature of our mind but not the nature of our soul. but hold on, keep the idea as possible. Just for fun! :)

Once you experienced the power of thought, that means knowing that you ARE in control of each and every thought, you also begin to realise the power that those thoughts can have on how you perceive the world within and around you. Your awakening process has begun and now you attract consciously the people, events and circumstances happening to you.
- By default you also attract the next level of consciousness.-

The Law of Creation is activated by faith by choosing what to believe.
The Law of Attraction is activated by thought by choosing what to think.


By acknowledging that there is so very much we don't know and cannot possibly understand you become one with ALL and this gives you access to unlimited possibilities.


This new awareness triggers the continuos advance through the pyramid of consciousness. And now we are ready to move on. We only need to let go of our old limiting beliefs accommodating the unlimited wisdom of this Universe.

The outcome is whatever we choose.

Would you like to experience it?
Let me show you how I am doing it :)


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Session 3 - The training

This example program show us how to work in the areas of interest.
Aiming to challenge ourselves and beliefs, with the intention of a daily workout and commitment.

Suggestion: -Keep a diary for monitoring progress-


Variation: Choose one or two areas and write them down on a pice of paper so you can take it with you and repeat them constantly during the day. This will allow the subconscious to absorb the affirmations while taking your mind out of its normal thinking routine.

Affirmation: I am the Light of the Soul, I AM - I AM.

Actions: Daily Sadhana following the teachings the Yogi Bhajan.
Yoga and Meditations: Minimum 3 minutes meditations x3.

Aim: To be fully aware always of what is going on and the power of now. Always in communion with my soul, soundings, nature, family and friends.

Affirmation: I am bountiful, blissful & beautiful. I know, because I know who I am and believe in the talents and gifts that God blessed me with for sharing; giving and loving.

Affirmations: Working on the service of others. Always with connection and guidance from God, Masters and Angels. I am a teacher and I devote my life to my life purpose.

Actions: Working on defining every day a bit more my life purpose. I search and question everything in my life. Create change and movement. I find what makes my heart happy and I trust my intuition.

Aim: To feel confident, safe and secure in the knowledge that all that I'm doing is in complete harmony with my soul and highest frequencies.

Affirmations: I am healthy and I have and can cure myself of all illnesses. My body is strong and serves me beautifully for all the activities and needs. It rejuvenates and restores into beauty and vibrant health.

Actions: Drinking 2 litres of water daily with a tiny spoon of soda bicarbonate, eat fresh, natural and as organic as possible, exercise with weights and at least 20-30 min 2-3 times a week of cardiovascular exercise.

Affirmations: I am fun and my life and all my activities reflect that. I love laughing and making people laugh. Life is wonderful, fun and entertaining. I find easy to entertain myself with great adventures as well as with fun hobbies and simple things.

Actions: Trying different things. I do something new every day. My attitude is open and free of judgment. I accept with love and gratitude all that life offers me. I laugh out loud at least 3 times a day. LOL :)

Aim: Vibrate in a constant high frequency. Stopping lower vibrations and not engaging with them. People is attracted to my energy and I enjoy their company. We enjoy and laugh together.

Affirmations: I create a great atmosphere at work. I love working and is a pleasure to dedicate my time to it. Creativity, devotion and prosperity are my works motto.

Actions: Keep working for a higher good, I promote and create constant work. I put my heart in every moment and I do my job with passion and the best I can.

Aim: To grow as a teacher and promoter of health, happiness and holiness. People joining, people loving, healing and sharing. So many so fast I ask for guidance to be able to cope with so much... and I do beautifully and so very efficiently. I am good at what I do.

Affirmations: Money is new energy and comes into my life with so much ease. Everything I do is surrounded with the shrug of property, I am rewarded accordingly for my work. I allow and encourage the constant and powerful flow of money into my experience to invest it properly, wisely and intuitively... and it grows and grows, and GROWS!

Actions: I save and invest wisely. I gratefully manage all the money that comes in contact with me. I treat it with respect and love. I trust the Universe and the rewards of my work. with honesty and sincerity.

Aim: To have more than enough for my current needs and desires. I save for future investments and I am very generous. Everyone around me enjoys the fruits of my fame and fortune.

Affirmations: I enjoy fruitful loving relationships with everyone that surround me. I give out love and only love comes back to me. My lover, my family, my friends... we all rejoice in communion, understanding, tolerance and love.

Actions: I listen more and talk less; I give more and crave less; I share my time and I'm always available.

Aim: To have a loving, long lasting relationships that are rewarding in a every meaningful way. I'm always surrounded by people who nurture my life experience and I'm grateful for that.

Affirmations: I deal masterfully with stress. I am in an observation mode and I acknowledge the situation that challenges me. I retract from the scene, becoming an outsider of my own experience. I love difficult situations for they allow me to put into practice what I've learnt. I'm always positive even when circumstances and people are in negative mode.

Actions: I don't engage. I listen. I BREATHE !!!

Aim: To be able to deal with stressful situations with grace, tolerance and wisdom.

Affirmations: I love and exercise my body for it is my temple and I treat it accordingly. I always make time for exercicing my body and I enjoy it. Everyday I look forward to my exercise routine and keep track of any progress made. I see results. I feel the results... I feel good!

Actions: Daily routine for upper, lower and core. From running in the park to working out at home and at the gym when possible. I keep a separate progress chart with pictures and comments that will allow me to monitor myself.

Aim: Feeling great, Looking even better.

Affirmations: I nurture myself only with fresh and nutritious products and foods. I recognize the value of raw and natural products and I enjoy eating them. Big fatty and oily foods don't atract me anymore. I bless my food for it is the fuel that powers my body.

Actions: Introducing organic and natural products into my diet. Keeping sugars and white flours out of my diet as much as possible.

Aim: To enjoy the delights of a natural living, having my body and skin reflecting health and youth.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Session 2 - Setting the Intentions & Goals

Name of the trainee: Eduardo Blanco
Date: 18 September 2010 12:12

By the end of the 40 sessions we'll make a new life wheel and recount of all that has being achieved, comparing it to the initial questionnaire and life wheel presented here.

Affirmation and intentions:

- I am fully aware of the Light inside my heart, total devotion and love to God. Open to new possibilities and allow the flow of divine energy to run freely thought my being.
- I am blissful.

- I trust and have faith in who I am and my abilities, talents and gifts.
- I love myself and treat me accordingly.
- I am beautiful.

- I am the healer, assistant and trainer that came to be for the love of God to serve others. For a better tomorrow, for a better world.
- Sharing and giving; Loving and guiding. Total and constant communication with everybody.
- Fully aware of who I am and what I am here for.

- I enjoy vibrant health.
- My body is in complete harmony processing and absorbing what it need, then releasing all that is not longer useful.
- My skin is example of purity and youth.
- My vital organs work smoothly in loving cooperation with each other.
- My liver regenerates and processes efficiently all substances entering my body.
- I am youthful & healthful.

- My life is always fun. Full of adventure.
- I enjoy every second of it and find the time to release all stress and tiredness in an entertaining and fun way.
- I travel the world meeting new people, knowing new cultures and enjoying new paradises. - I create a loving/fun environment around me at home and work.

- I am fully committed to my work and life purpose.
- Creating new opportunities for me and everyone that works with me.
- My work is abundant and creative. It becomes easy and enjoyable and I leant to trust and listen to the advices of wiser and more experienced people.
- I am the architect of my life and is wonderful in our eyes.

- I enjoy prosperity and abundance.
- Money is coming constantly and freely into my life.
- I have more than enough for everything I desire, specially: basic needs, wellbeing, work, fun, travel, eating out, family and friends.

- Better communication with my brothers and sisters and acceptance of them all, in any way at any time.
- I learn to love my lover and be loved in return.

- Release the stress of addictions and fears that keep us stuck in the same place.

- I love my body and exercise it everyday with loving care and energy.
- I see my body transformed into the living god that I am. - I am strong, healthy, flexible and powerful.

- I nourish my body only with the best healthy and nutritive foods.
- Natural eating becomes my motto and I enjoy seeing the results


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 1: Interview. GETTING TO KNOW US

1. Who are you? I am the one who came to be all that I can be by helping others to truly see themselves.
2. What are you doing here? I'm here to remember, experience, practice, share and shine

3. What is your occupation? I am Personal Trainer & Healer
4. On a scale of 1-10 how much you like your job? 10
5. On a scale of 1-10 how good are you at what you do? 10
6. How long have you done that? Around 11 years PT and 3 as healer.
7. On a scale of 1-10 how physically active is your job? 8
7. On a scale of 1-10 how stressful is your job? 5
8. On a scale of 1-10 how fulfilling is your job? 10

9. How is your relationship with your family? Getting stronger every day. We talk at least once a week and the conversations last for hours. I have only one difficult relationship, with my older brother.
10. What's the problem in your relationship with your brother? Nothing really, is just the fact that we don't share the same values about family, money and work.
11. Will they be supportive of your spiritual goals? They've always been quite supportive. I don't look for much validation or acceptance. However we share the same values, even thou mine are a bit too over the top.
12. On a scale of 1-10 how stressful is your home life? 2

13. What is God for you? God is everything for me. However I also regard him as my father. Talk to him as I talk to my mother and brothers, even sometimes getting angry and fighting but mostly is pure love between us.
14. What is the purpose of the soul for you? The lighthouse that shows me the best and most rewarding way back home. That hunch in my heart, that sense of total connection, safety and security. That something that keeps pointing to the direction I want to follow even before I know it.
15. Do you follow a religion? Not really, I was born Catholic but then had the honor to know about Sikhism.
16. Will this affect your ability to train in any way? Not at all.
17. How is your relationship with others? Getting better and more rewarding. Open and confident; loving and caring.
18. On a scale of 1-10 how much you feel victim of the circumstances? 1
19. On a scale of 1-10 how much do you believe to be actively creating your destiny? 10

20. Are you currently or have you recently been ill? Had pneumonia at the beginning of the year (Feb) and feel my lung capacity has diminished a little bit.
21. Are you currently taking any medication? No If so what? -
22. Are you currently or have you recently been injured? No
23. Are you currently receiving any form of treatment? No - If so who is treating you?
24. Will your injury affect your ability to train? No
25. Do you suffer from stress? Yes, a bit
26. What makes you stressed? Fear, insecurities, lack of faith and commitment
27. How do you deal with stress? Meditation, yoga, exercise, meeting friends, wine, smoke, sex, food.

28. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Yes, I love music and exercise and I'm learning to love yoga as a way of life. Traveling and outdoor activities are my top. Dancing, socializing, eating out. Internet browsing, networking. Love making love all around the globe.
29. How much of your time do you spend on them? 99%
30. Is there something you feel is missing in your life? yes, more traveling
31. Are you a member of any clubs or societies? My gym, BA executive club and the Dead Poets Society (the last one is a joke, I just love the movie)

32. Do you have any addictions, which? Yes, I sometimes smoke and drink socially but also alone at home. To food, eating is one of my biggest pleasures in life but I tend to do a lot of comfort eating and over eating. I'm also addicted to love, find irresistible to make everybody love me.
33. On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with the way you are? 7
34. What would you like to change? Get rid of my addictions and fears, higher self steam, more ability to compromise, commitment and self-control.
35. On a scale of 1-10 how healthy is your eating? 7
36. On a scale of 1-10 how healthy you feel is your sleeping patterns? 8
37. Are you on a special diet? No If so why?
38. Do you take any supplements? Yes If so which and what for? Vitamin C for the immune system, beta-carotene for the skin, guarana (sometimes for energy) and drink 2 litres of water with sodium bicarbonate to change the ph of my blood to alkaline.
39. Are you the weight you would like to be? No, I'd like to be a little bit heavier of pure sexy muscle.
40. On a scale of 1-10 how motivated are you to change? 10
41. What would increase your motivation? Progress

42. What exercise have you done recently? Stopped training at the gym two weeks ago. So not much recently but yoga at home.
43. What types of activity do you enjoy? Outdoor sports like cycling or hiking; gym classes like spinning, weightlifting, swimming, yoga.
44. Do you have any negative feelings towards exercise or have you had any bad experiences? Not at all.
45. Is there anything you would particularly like to try? Skiing, water skiing, bungee jumping, sky diving, wall climbing, canoeing, gliding, and few more I can't remember now.
46. If you have not exercised recently what are the reasons? A bit of lack of commitment, motivation and money.
47. Have you used a SPT before, did it work? YES
48. Why do you need a SPT now? To help me with the weights. For motivation, inspiration and encouragement.
49. On a scale of 1-10 rate your aerobic fitness? 6
50. On a scale of 1-10 rate your muscular fitness? 7
51. On a scale of 1-10 rate your co-ordination? 8
52. On a scale of 1-10 rate your flexibility? 7

53. What are your goals?
1. I desire to drop all my addictions allowing my soul to communicate better with my mind.
2. Have a better understanding and awareness of who I am and my life purpose.
3. Control my fears to be the alarm they're meant to be without taking over my life.
54. What is your life purpose?
To serve as a lighthouse for a higher purpose.
55. What do you dream doing?
Traveling the world, serving and helping people to realize their true potential and divine purpose. Enjoying life every second of it. Marvel constantly about the greatness of God and humbly serve him with total devotion and love.
56. What do you dream being? GOD