Thursday, September 8, 2011

Session 19 - Acceptance of a new reality

Welcome to session 19

AIM: To allow the source of all to create, manifest, expand and fullfil every cell, every atom, every particle of our existence into being.

ACTION: To accept everything that comes to us as true manifestation of the power and love of God. No re-action but 'creative-action' from a space of understanding, compassion and tolerance.

Creative action is the ability to manifest the un-manifested into being. This may sound either too simple or too confusing to understand but in reality it is even simpler than it sounds. It means to allow, welcome, accept god to be within ourselves. As the only requirement is a silent, selfless mind. A mind trained to listen and create instead of an unstoppable mind with an automatic re-creation of thoughts, worries and fears. Creative-Action is a brand new action in action.

We'll all go to Source. We all come from Source. We all are source. However, we can also linger indefinitely in the limbo of an egoic mind trying to defined the reason of our own existence. And this happens more often than we can imagine by holding on to the thoughts of past experiences that keep re-creating the same circumstances in people's lives, the sense of loneliness and separation, sadness and emptiness.

That is why, people who believe to be poor continues to be poor even after winning the lottery. How many times we've seen people loosing all their winnings and ending up poorer than before the winning ticket?
How many miserable people we've seen suffering for the lack of love in their lives even though they have everything to be happy?
Or lets put it the other way around. How many times we've seen rich and powerful people loosing everything they own and in a matter of no times they're back on their feet and many times stronger than before. Or loving happy people lossing everything and everyone they love and in a matter of no-time they are back on their feet surrounded by all they could possibly need, want and love.

This all happens because our own conditionings. We are what we believe and we'll keep recreating the same reality everywhere we go unless we start changing the essence, the core of our own belief system.
This can be a daunting task, specially if you haven't done much Self-serching work recently. Is like asking a salmon fish to stop going back upstream to deposit its eggs and choose a different place. Or a lion to stop being a lion or a human to stop being an animal and become a being of Light.

Yes, it is a challenge but is possible too to consciously choose the inner path, the path our own Soul. This has nothing to do with what Mind wants, as the nature of Mind is to create separation. That's why we live in a relative world of 'ups and downs'.

True happiness comes from reaching a sense of communication, balance and harmony between all that we are as individuals and as part of Source.... that means bringing together our Body, Mind and Spirit as one. Reaching an understanding that one cannot live without the other as Mind without body can not be. Body without mind can not function. Soul without Mind and Body cannot experience itself hence rendering it's existence useless.

We are the way god experience itself as with everything else. However as self-aware human beings with free will of thought, words and deeds we need to choose to be it. We're no only choosing to allow god to experience itself as the source of all but also in its own godliness as the creator of it all in true consciousness and awareness of Self...
Or not if we choose to believe in separation, duality and fear. We are created in the likeness of our creator therefore with all its power of creation, sustainability and destruction.

For us to show true love back god, we only need to allow god to be within ourselves and ACCEPT all that It is as part of it all. Loving, welcoming, embracing our new reality as brand new experiences and act accordingly. With the same sense of wonder of a little child. Following our intuition and heart at all times. No judgements, conditions or restrictions.

Knowing that every situation, challenge, experience, person is a blessing coming to us to teach us to love ourselves and therefore allowing god to experience self-love.
Knowing that every difficulty, problem, calamity and chaos is also a blessing coming to us to give us the opportunity to rise above our own conditionings and believes creating a new reality as we go along.

Knowing our Soul as the source of all our wisdom and knowing our wisdom as the soul of Source.

Remember to enjoy the process



See you next session ☝


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Session 18 - Expanding Oneself

Welcome to session 18

AIM: To expand the awareness of who we truly are

ACTION: Open up our mind to the possibility of a greater us by bringing into our awareness the choice of all that we are not.

Probably this is the first time for you to hear the concept "We are all that we are as much as we are all that we are not" Which gives birth to the statement: I AM THAT I AM.
However if we take the time to quiet our mind for just a moment and question this concept, we could find that in some strange way it makes sense in some part inside of us.

Parting from the Spiritual teachings that we are more that we are consciously aware of and the fact that at the beginning of this life we've chosen to forget who we truly are to be able to re-create a new experience from cero; It then becomes our call to search for all that we are in order to feel happy and complete... This is what is known as our basic right for liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However our mind as part of this relative dimension of birth and death does not accept this concept too easily hence our inability to see beyond the vail of illusion we call 'life'.
Nevertheless once our spirit is awaken and the need for something greater is so strong that we cannot hide from it anymore, we start our journey inwards to the final realization that we are so much more than just a body and that inside of each of us exists the opposite of everything we believe we are. We find the Ying-Yang of creation and by understanding this concept we expand our awareness of what we believe we are. Still though, only a tiny portion of all that we truly are.

Practice this exercise which consists in recognizing all that we believe we are NOT.

Step 1: make a list of words that you think described you best. Ask family and friends for an accurate description or if you run out of words ideas.

Step 2: Search the opposite for each of the words of your description. (google recommended)

Step 3: Say out-loud the newly found words starting with the statement: I AM. Repeat them until you feel them as part of you. Until the statement sounds truthful.

My description: I am generous.
The opposite of generous = selfish & stingy
New statement: I AM SELFISH & STINGY

It may sound like a lie, like is not you.... no one likes to be told that we're selfish or stingy, however we're not making judgement of the statement as good or bad... we're only exercising the possibility of a bigger, greater you... If we can not see and accept our dark side we are simply condemned by our own conditionings and judgements to live only half our potential. This doesn't mean we are turning to the dark side and becoming evil. This means that we accept all our grandiosity as souls and equal part of God. Choosing to experience only light is our choice, but in the know that also we hold the secret for darkness.

In simple words this exercise will give us the ability to feel Compassion for all those who walk in darkness, all those who many call 'evil' will no longer be separate from us and therefore punished for their wrong doing. Instead we will embrace them and show them love, guidance and understanding. We will identify with everyone as ONE.

Once you can say out loud our new statement, accepting this NEW choice you will blessed by the possibility of expansion. This is a fact in the order of the Universe, however you will always have the right to choose.

-Will you expand or will you contract?
-Will you learn to fly or will you stay behind?
-Now that you know, what would you do with this power?

Remember to enjoy the process



See you next session ☝
